Audio device object. More...
#include <aspl/Device.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
Device (std::shared_ptr< const Context > context, const DeviceParameters ¶ms={}) | |
Construct device. | |
Getters and setters | |
virtual std::string | GetName () const |
Get device name. Human readable name of the device. Can be localized. By default returns DeviceParameters::Name. | |
virtual std::string | GetManufacturer () const |
Get device manufacturer. Human readable name of the maker of the plug-in. Can be localized. By default returns DeviceParameters::Manufacturer. | |
virtual std::string | GetDeviceUID () const |
Get device UID. Persistent token that can identify the same audio device across boot sessions. Two instances of the same device must have different values for this property. By default returns DeviceParameters::DeviceUID if it's non-empty, or otherwise generates random UID. | |
virtual std::string | GetModelUID () const |
Get model UID. Persistent token that can identify audio devices of the same kind. Two instances of the same device must have the same value for this property. By default returns DeviceParameters::ModelUID. | |
virtual std::string | GetSerialNumber () const |
Get serial number. Human readable serial number of the device. This is pure informational value which doesn't have to be unique. By default returns DeviceParameters::SerialNumber. | |
virtual std::string | GetFirmwareVersion () const |
Get firmware version. Human readable firmware version of the device. This is pure informational value which doesn't have to be unique. By default returns DeviceParameters::FirmwareVersion. | |
virtual std::string | GetIconURL () const |
Get device icon URL. Returns URL that points to the device icon, e.g in plugin resource bundle. By default returns DeviceParameters::IconURL. | |
virtual std::string | GetConfigurationApplicationBundleID () const |
Get bundle ID of configuration application. The returned app should provides a GUI for configuring the device. By default returns DeviceParameters::ConfigurationApplicationBundleID. | |
virtual UInt32 | GetTransportType () const |
Get device transport type. Represents how the device is attached to the system. Common values are defined in <CoreAudio/AudioHardwareBase.h>. Default is kAudioDeviceTransportTypeVirtual. | |
virtual std::vector< AudioObjectID > | GetRelatedDeviceIDs () const |
Get related devices. By default returns a single-element list with own ID. | |
virtual bool | GetClockIsStable () const |
Check whether the device clock should be considered stable. By default returns DeviceParameters::ClockIsStable. | |
virtual AudioDeviceClockAlgorithmSelector | GetClockAlgorithm () const |
Get clock algorithm. By default returns DeviceParameters::ClockAlgorithm. | |
virtual UInt32 | GetClockDomain () const |
Get clock domain. By default returns DeviceParameters::ClockDomain. | |
virtual UInt32 | GetLatency () const |
Get presentation latency of the device. Measured in number of frames. By default returns the last value set by SetLatencyAsync(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::Latency. | |
OSStatus | SetLatencyAsync (UInt32 latency) |
Asynchronously set presentation latency. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetLatencyImpl(). | |
virtual UInt32 | GetSafetyOffset () const |
How close to now it is allowed to read and write. Measured in number of frames. By default returns the last value set by SetSafetyOffset(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::SafetyOffset. | |
OSStatus | SetSafetyOffsetAsync (UInt32 offset) |
Asynchronously set safety offset. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetSafetyOffsetImpl(). | |
virtual UInt32 | GetZeroTimeStampPeriod () const |
Difference between successive timestamps returned from GetZeroTimeStamp(). Measured in number of frames. By default returns the last value set by SetZeroTimeStampPeriodAsync(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::ZeroTimeStampPeriod if it's non-zero, or DeviceParameters::SampleRate otherwise. | |
OSStatus | SetZeroTimeStampPeriodAsync (UInt32 period) |
Asynchronously set zero timestamp period. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetZeroTimeStampPeriodImpl(). | |
virtual Float64 | GetNominalSampleRate () const |
Get nominal sample rate. By default returns the last value set by SetNominalSampleRateAsync(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::SampleRate. Note that each device stream can define its own sample rate in its physical and virtual formats. | |
OSStatus | SetNominalSampleRateAsync (Float64 rate) |
Asynchronously set nominal sample rate. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetNominalSampleRateImpl(). Fails if rate is not present in GetAvailableSampleRates(), which by default returns only one rate, provided during initialization. If you want to make your device supporting multiple rates, you typically need to override both of these methods. | |
virtual std::vector< AudioValueRange > | GetAvailableSampleRates () const |
Get list of supported nominal sample rates. By default returns the list set by SetAvailableSampleRatesAsync(). If nothing was set, returns a single-element list with a range which min and max are both set to the value returned by GetNominalSampleRate(). | |
OSStatus | SetAvailableSampleRatesAsync (std::vector< AudioValueRange > rates) |
Asynchronously set list of supported nominal sample rates. See comments for GetAvailableSampleRates(). Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetAvailableSampleRatesImpl(). | |
virtual std::array< UInt32, 2 > | GetPreferredChannelsForStereo () const |
Return which two channels to use as left/right for stereo data by default. By default returns the last value set by SetPreferredChannelsForStereoAsync(). Initial value is {1, 2}. Channel numbers are 1-based. | |
OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelsForStereoAsync (std::array< UInt32, 2 > channels) |
Asynchronously set channels for stereo. Channel numbers are 1-based. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelsForStereoImpl(). | |
virtual UInt32 | GetPreferredChannelCount () const |
Get preferred number of channels. | |
OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelCountAsync (UInt32 channelCount) |
Asynchronously set preferred channel count. See comments for GetPreferredChannelCount(). Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelCountImpl(). | |
virtual std::vector< AudioChannelDescription > | GetPreferredChannels () const |
Get preferred channels for device. | |
OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelsAsync (std::vector< AudioChannelDescription > channels) |
Asynchronously set preferred channels array. See comments for GetPreferredChannels(). Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelsImpl(). | |
virtual std::vector< UInt8 > | GetPreferredChannelLayout () const |
Get preferred AudioChannelLayout to use for the device. | |
OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync (std::vector< UInt8 > channelLayout) |
Asynchronously set preferred channel layout. See comments for GetPreferredChannelLayout(). The provided buffer should contain properly formatted AudioChannelLayout struct. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelLayoutImpl(). | |
virtual bool | GetIsRunning () const |
Check whether the device is doing I/O. By default, returns true if I/O was activated using StartIO(). | |
virtual bool | GetIsIdentifying () const |
Check whether device identification is in progress. A true value indicates that the device hardware is drawing attention to itself, typically by flashing or lighting up its front panel display. This makes it easy for a user to associate the physical hardware with its representation in an app. By default always returns false. | |
OSStatus | SetIsIdentifying (bool) |
Start or stop device identification. Invokes SetIsIdentifyingImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged(). | |
virtual bool | GetIsAlive () const |
Check whether the device is alive. By default returns the last value set by SetIsAlive(). Initial value is true. | |
OSStatus | SetIsAlive (bool isAlive) |
Mark device as alive or dead. Invokes SetIsAliveImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged(). | |
virtual bool | GetIsHidden () const |
Check whether the device is hidden from clients. By default returns the last value set by SetIsHidden(). Initial value is false. | |
OSStatus | SetIsHidden (bool isHidden) |
Mark or unmark device as hidden. Invokes SetIsHiddenImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged(). | |
virtual bool | GetCanBeDefaultDevice () const |
Check whether the device can be the default device for content. By default, returns the last value set by SetCanBeDefaultDevice(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::CanBeDefault. | |
OSStatus | SetCanBeDefaultDevice (bool value) |
Set whether the device can be the default device for content. Invokes SetCanBeDefaultDeviceImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged(). | |
virtual bool | GetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice () const |
Check whether the device can be the default device for system sounds. By default, returns the last value set by SetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::CanBeDefaultForSystemSounds. | |
OSStatus | SetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice (bool value) |
Set whether the device can be the default device for system sounds. Invokes SetCanBeDefaultSystemDeviceImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged(). | |
virtual std::vector< AudioObjectID > | GetStreamIDs (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal) const |
Get device streams. Returns the list of owned streams. Scope defines whether to return input streams, output streams, or both. Default implementation returns all owned objects of given scope and kAudioStreamClassID class. | |
virtual std::vector< AudioObjectID > | GetControlIDs (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal) const |
Get device controls. Returns the list of owned controls. Scope defines whether to return input controls, output controls, or both. Default implementation returns all owned objects of given scope and kAudioControlClassID class and its derivatives, including volume and mute controls. | |
Streams | |
UInt32 | GetStreamCount (Direction dir) const |
Get number of streams for given direction. | |
std::shared_ptr< Stream > | GetStreamByIndex (Direction dir, UInt32 idx) const |
Get stream with given direction and zero-based index. Returns nullptr if there are less than idx+1 streams. | |
std::shared_ptr< Stream > | GetStreamByID (AudioObjectID streamID) const |
Get stream with given object ID. Returns nullptr if there is no such stream. | |
std::shared_ptr< Stream > | AddStreamWithControlsAsync (Direction dir) |
Add stream + volume control + mute control. | |
std::shared_ptr< Stream > | AddStreamWithControlsAsync (const StreamParameters ¶ms) |
Add stream + volume control + mute control. Same as AddStreamWithControlsAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters. | |
std::shared_ptr< Stream > | AddStreamAsync (Direction dir) |
Add stream to device. | |
std::shared_ptr< Stream > | AddStreamAsync (const StreamParameters ¶ms) |
Add stream to device. Same as AddStreamAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters. | |
void | AddStreamAsync (std::shared_ptr< Stream > stream) |
Add stream to device. Same as AddStreamAsync(Direction), but allows to construct stream manually. | |
void | RemoveStreamAsync (std::shared_ptr< Stream > stream) |
Remove stream from device. | |
Volume controls | |
UInt32 | GetVolumeControlCount (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) const |
Get number of volume controls for given scope. | |
std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > | GetVolumeControlByIndex (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope, UInt32 idx) const |
Get volume control with given scope and zero-based index. Returns nullptr if there are less than idx+1 volume controls. | |
std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > | GetVolumeControlByID (AudioObjectID controlID) const |
Get volume control with given object ID. Returns nullptr if there is no such control. | |
std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > | AddVolumeControlAsync (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) |
Add volume control to device. | |
std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > | AddVolumeControlAsync (const VolumeControlParameters ¶ms) |
Add volume control to device. Same as AddVolumeControlAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters. | |
void | AddVolumeControlAsync (std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > control) |
Add volume control to device. Same as AddVolumeControlAsync(Direction), but allows to construct control manually. | |
void | RemoveVolumeControlAsync (std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > control) |
Remove volume control from device. | |
Mute controls | |
UInt32 | GetMuteControlCount (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) const |
Get number of mute controls for given scope. | |
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > | GetMuteControlByIndex (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope, UInt32 idx) const |
Get mute control with given scope and zero-based index. Returns nullptr if there are less than idx+1 mute controls. | |
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > | GetMuteControlByID (AudioObjectID controlID) const |
Get mute control with given object ID. Returns nullptr if there is no such control. | |
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > | AddMuteControlAsync (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) |
Add mute control to device. | |
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > | AddMuteControlAsync (const MuteControlParameters ¶ms) |
Add mute control to device. Same as AddMuteControlAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters. | |
void | AddMuteControlAsync (std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > control) |
Add mute control to device. Same as AddMuteControlAsync(Direction), but allows to construct control manually. | |
void | RemoveMuteControlAsync (std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > control) |
Remove mute control from device. | |
Control operations | |
void | SetControlHandler (std::shared_ptr< ControlRequestHandler > handler) |
Set handler for control requests. This is optional. You may provide a custom handler if you want to do custom processing or want to inject custom client implementation. | |
void | SetControlHandler (ControlRequestHandler *handler) |
Set handler for control requests (raw pointer overload). This overload uses raw pointer instead of shared_ptr, and the user is responsible for keeping handler object alive until it's reset or Device is destroyed. | |
ControlRequestHandler * | GetControlHandler () const |
Get pointer to configured control handler. Never returns null, if there is no handler, a no-op handler is used. For details about life-time, see SetControlHandler(). | |
virtual OSStatus | AddClient (AudioObjectID objectID, const AudioServerPlugInClientInfo *rawClientInfo) |
Called before new client start I/O with the device. Updates client map and invokes OnAddClient(). | |
virtual OSStatus | RemoveClient (AudioObjectID objectID, const AudioServerPlugInClientInfo *rawClientInfo) |
Called after a client finishes I/O with the device. Updates client map and invokes OnRemoveClient(). | |
UInt32 | GetClientCount () const |
Get number of clients. | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Client > > | GetClients () const |
Get all clients. | |
std::shared_ptr< Client > | GetClientByID (UInt32 clientID) const |
Find client by client ID. | |
virtual OSStatus | StartIO (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID) |
Tell the device to start I/O. Invokes ControlRequestHandler::OnStartIO() and updates GetIsRunning(). GetIsRunning() will return true until at least one client is doing I/O. | |
virtual OSStatus | StopIO (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID) |
Tell the device to stop I/O. Invokes ControlRequestHandler::OnStopIO() and updates GetIsRunning(). GetIsRunning() will return true until at least one client is doing I/O. | |
I/O operations | |
void | SetIOHandler (std::shared_ptr< IORequestHandler > handler) |
Set handler for I/O requests. Its methods will be invoked when an I/O operation is performed. They are always invoked on realtime thread, serialized. You need to provide your own implementation if you want your device to actually do something useful. Default implementation is suitable for a null / black hole device. | |
void | SetIOHandler (IORequestHandler *handler) |
Set handler for I/O requests (raw pointer overload). This overload uses raw pointer instead of shared_ptr, and the user is responsible for keeping handler object alive until it's reset or Device is destroyed. | |
IORequestHandler * | GetIOHandler () const |
Get pointer to configured I/O handler. Never returns null, if there is no handler, a no-op handler is used. For details about life-time, see SetIOHandler(). | |
virtual OSStatus | GetZeroTimeStamp (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, Float64 *outSampleTime, UInt64 *outHostTime, UInt64 *outSeed) |
Get the current zero time stamp for the device. In default implementation, the zero time stamp and host time are increased every GetZeroTimeStampPeriod() frames. | |
virtual OSStatus | WillDoIOOperation (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, Boolean *outWillDo, Boolean *outWillDoInPlace) |
Asks device whether it want to perform the given phase of the IO cycle. In default implementation, makes decision based on whether the device has input and output streams, and what is returned by DeviceParameters::EnableMixing. | |
virtual OSStatus | BeginIOOperation (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) |
Called before performing I/O operation. By default does nothing. | |
virtual OSStatus | DoIOOperation (AudioObjectID objectID, AudioObjectID streamID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo, void *ioMainBuffer, void *ioSecondaryBuffer) |
Perform an IO operation for a particular stream. In default implementation, invokes corresponding method of I/O handler based on passed operation type, for example OnReadInput() or OnWriteMixedOutput(). | |
virtual OSStatus | EndIOOperation (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) |
Called after performing I/O operation. By default does nothing. | |
Configuration | |
virtual void | RequestConfigurationChange (std::function< void()> func={}) |
Request HAL to perform configuration update. | |
virtual void | RequestOwnershipChange (Object *owner, bool shouldHaveOwnership) |
Request device to change its owner. | |
virtual OSStatus | PerformConfigurationChange (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt64 changeAction, void *changeInfo) |
Called by the Host to allow the device to perform a configuration change that had been previously requested via a call to the Host method, RequestDeviceConfigurationChange(). | |
virtual OSStatus | AbortConfigurationChange (AudioObjectID objectID, UInt64 changeAction, void *changeInfo) |
Called by the Host to tell the device not to perform a configuration change that had been requested via a call to the Host method, RequestDeviceConfigurationChange(). | |
Property dispatch | |
AudioClassID | GetClass () const override |
Get class ID. | |
AudioClassID | GetBaseClass () const override |
Get base class ID. | |
bool | IsInstance (AudioClassID classID) const override |
Check if this object is instance of given base class. | |
Boolean | HasProperty (AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address) const override |
Check whether given property is present. | |
OSStatus | IsPropertySettable (AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, Boolean *outIsSettable) const override |
Check whether given property can be changed. | |
OSStatus | GetPropertyDataSize (AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, UInt32 qualifierDataSize, const void *qualifierData, UInt32 *outDataSize) const override |
Get size of property value in bytes. | |
OSStatus | GetPropertyData (AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, UInt32 qualifierDataSize, const void *qualifierData, UInt32 inDataSize, UInt32 *outDataSize, void *outData) const override |
Get property value. | |
OSStatus | SetPropertyData (AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, UInt32 qualifierDataSize, const void *qualifierData, UInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) override |
Change property value. | |
![]() | |
Object (std::shared_ptr< const Context > context, const char *className="Object", AudioObjectID objectID=kAudioObjectUnknown) | |
Construct object. Class name is used for logging. It should be the name of the derived class. If objectID is kAudioObjectUnknown (zero), allocates new object ID. Otherwise uses given object ID. | |
Object (const Object &)=delete | |
Object & | operator= (const Object &)=delete |
std::shared_ptr< const Context > | GetContext () const |
Get object context. | |
AudioObjectID | GetID () const |
Get object ID. Returns objectID selected at construction time. | |
AudioObjectID | GetOwnerID () const |
Get object owner. If the object has an owner, returns its ID. Otherwise, returns kAudioObjectUnknown (zero). | |
bool | HasOwner () const |
Check if the object is part of the hierarchy. Returns true if GetOwnerID() is not equal to kAudioObjectUnknown. | |
std::vector< AudioObjectID > | GetOwnedObjectIDs (AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, AudioClassID classID=0) const |
Get owned objects. Returns the list of objects to which this object is the owner. | |
void | AddOwnedObject (std::shared_ptr< Object > object, AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal) |
Add object to the list of owned objects. Also invokes SetOwner() on the added object. | |
void | RemoveOwnedObject (AudioObjectID objectID) |
Remove object to the list of owned objects. Also invokes SetOwner() on the removed object. | |
void | NotifyPropertyChanged (AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, AudioObjectPropertyElement element=kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain) const |
Notify HAL that a property was changed. This is automatically called by all setters. | |
void | NotifyPropertiesChanged (std::vector< AudioObjectPropertySelector > selectors, AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, AudioObjectPropertyElement element=kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain) const |
Notify HAL that some properties were changed. This is automatically called by all setters. | |
virtual std::vector< AudioServerPlugInCustomPropertyInfo > | GetCustomProperties () const |
Get info about registered custom properties. Returns list of properties added using RegisterCustomProperty(). | |
template<typename ObjectType, typename ValueType> | |
void | RegisterCustomProperty (AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, ObjectType &object, GetterMethod< ObjectType, ValueType > getter, SetterMethod< ObjectType, ValueType > setter=nullptr) |
Register custom property with getter and optional setter. | |
template<typename GetterFunc> | |
void | RegisterCustomProperty (AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, GetterFunc getter) |
Register custom property with getter and optional setter. | |
void | RegisterCustomProperty (AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, std::function< CFStringRef()> getter, std::function< void(CFStringRef)> setter) |
Register custom property with getter and optional setter. | |
void | RegisterCustomProperty (AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, std::function< CFPropertyListRef()> getter, std::function< void(CFPropertyListRef)> setter) |
Register custom property with getter and optional setter. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
Setters implementation | |
virtual OSStatus | SetLatencyImpl (UInt32 latency) |
Set presentation latency. Invoked by SetLatencyAsync() to actually change latency. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetLatency(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetSafetyOffsetImpl (UInt32 offset) |
Set safety offset. Invoked by SetSafetyOffsetAsync() to actually change offset. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetSafetyOffset(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetZeroTimeStampPeriodImpl (UInt32 period) |
Set zero timestamp period. Invoked by SetZeroTimeStampPeriodAsync() to actually change period. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetZeroTimeStampPeriod(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetNominalSampleRateImpl (Float64 rate) |
Set nominal sample rate. Invoked by SetNominalSampleRateAsync() to actually change the rate. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetNominalSampleRate(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetAvailableSampleRatesImpl (std::vector< AudioValueRange > rates) |
Set list of supported nominal sample rates. Invoked by SetAvailableSampleRatesAsync() to actually change the list. Default implementation just updates the list returned by GetAvailableSampleRates(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelsForStereoImpl (std::array< UInt32, 2 > channels) |
Set channels for stereo. Invoked by SetPreferredChannelsForStereoAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation just changes the value returned GetPreferredChannelsForStereo(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelCountImpl (UInt32 channelCount) |
Set preferred channel count. Invoked by SetPreferredChannelCountAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation changes the value returned by GetPreferredChannelCount(). By default, it also affects values returned by GetPreferredChannels() and GetPreferredChannelLayout(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelsImpl (std::vector< AudioChannelDescription > channels) |
Invoked by SetPreferredChannelsAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation changes the value returned by GetPreferredChannels(). By default, it also affects values returned by GetPreferredChannelCount() and GetPreferredChannelLayout(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetPreferredChannelLayoutImpl (std::vector< UInt8 > channelLayout) |
Invoked by SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation changes the value returned by GetPreferredChannelLayout(). By default, it also affects values returned by GetPreferredChannelCount() and GetPreferredChannels(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetIsIdentifyingImpl (bool isIdentifying) |
Start or stop device identification. This can be requested by UI, but probably makes little sense to virtual devices. By default always fails. Invoked by SetIsIdentifying(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetIsAliveImpl (bool isAlive) |
Mark device as alive or dead. By default just changes the value returned by GetIsAlive(). Invoked by SetIsAlive(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetIsHiddenImpl (bool isHidden) |
Mark or unmark device as hidden. By default just changes the value returned by GetIsHidden(). Invoked by SetIsHidden(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetCanBeDefaultDeviceImpl (bool value) |
Set whether the device can be the default device for content. By default just changes the value returned by GetCanBeDefaultDevice(). Invoked by SetCanBeDefaultDevice(). | |
virtual OSStatus | SetCanBeDefaultSystemDeviceImpl (bool value) |
Set whether the device can be the default device for system sounds. By default just changes the value returned by GetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice(). Invoked by SetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice(). | |
I/O implementation | |
virtual OSStatus | StartIOImpl (UInt32 clientID, UInt32 startCount) |
Prepare device to start I/O. Invoked by StartIO(). | |
virtual OSStatus | StopIOImpl (UInt32 clientID, UInt32 startCount) |
Prepare device to finish I/O. Invoked by StopIO(). | |
virtual OSStatus | GetZeroTimeStampImpl (UInt32 clientID, Float64 *outSampleTime, UInt64 *outHostTime, UInt64 *outSeed) |
Get the current zero timestamp for the device. Invoked by GetZeroTimeStamp(). | |
virtual OSStatus | WillDoIOOperationImpl (UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, Boolean *outWillDo, Boolean *outWillDoInPlace) |
Asks device whether it want to perform the given phase of the IO cycle. Invoked by WillDoIOOperation(). | |
virtual OSStatus | BeginIOOperationImpl (UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) |
Called before performing I/O operation. Invoked by BeginIOOperation(). | |
virtual OSStatus | DoIOOperationImpl (AudioObjectID streamID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo, void *ioMainBuffer, void *ioSecondaryBuffer) |
Perform an IO operation for a particular stream. Invoked by DoIOOperation(). | |
virtual OSStatus | EndIOOperationImpl (UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) |
Called after performing I/O operation. Invoked by EndIOOperation(). | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
template<typename ObjectType, typename ValueType> | |
using | GetterMethod = ValueType (ObjectType::*)() const |
Pointer to custom property getter method. Used in RegisterCustomProperty(). | |
template<typename ObjectType, typename ValueType> | |
using | SetterMethod = void (ObjectType::*)(ValueType) |
Pointer to custom property setter method. Used in RegisterCustomProperty(). | |
Audio device object.
Audio device is something to which applications (clients) can connect and do I/O.
Streams and controls
After creating device, and before publishing it to HAL, you should populate it with streams (Stream class) and controls (VolumeControl, MuteControl).
Each stream can be either input or output; control can be input, output, and global. Input streams allow client to read from device; output streams allow clients to write to device. Controls allow clients or user to adjust processing settings.
When a client performs I/O, it always specifies the stream. Each stream may represent its own source or destination of samples. Each stream also may have its own format, latency, and other attributes.
The meaning of controls is device-specific. If desired, you can attach controls to a stream, and stream will take them into account when applying per-stream processing. However you're free to treat streams and controls in any other way.
I/O operations
Unlike other objects, in addition to property dispatch operations, Device class has a bunch of I/O-related operations exported to HAL.
Default Device implementation performs some typical housekeeping by itself (like maintaining maps of clients and streams) and then delegates the principal part (like actually reading or writing samples) to two other classes: ControlRequestHandler (for non-realtime, control operations) and IORequestHandler (for realtime I/O operations).
Typically you'll need default implementation of Device and custom implementation of IORequestHandler and probably ControlRequestHandler. Though, if default Device implementation does not fit your needs, you can override how it handles control and I/O requests from HAL and drop IORequestHandler and ControlRequestHandler at all.
When you override IORequestHandler or Device I/O operations, remember that HAL invokes them on realtime thread and they should be realtime-safe.
Definition at line 167 of file Device.hpp.
explicit |
Construct device.
virtual |
Called by the Host to tell the device not to perform a configuration change that had been requested via a call to the Host method, RequestDeviceConfigurationChange().
virtual |
Called before new client start I/O with the device. Updates client map and invokes OnAddClient().
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > aspl::Device::AddMuteControlAsync | ( | AudioObjectPropertyScope | scope | ) |
Add mute control to device.
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > aspl::Device::AddMuteControlAsync | ( | const MuteControlParameters & | params | ) |
Add mute control to device. Same as AddMuteControlAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters.
void aspl::Device::AddMuteControlAsync | ( | std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > | control | ) |
Add mute control to device. Same as AddMuteControlAsync(Direction), but allows to construct control manually.
std::shared_ptr< Stream > aspl::Device::AddStreamAsync | ( | const StreamParameters & | params | ) |
Add stream to device. Same as AddStreamAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters.
Add stream to device.
void aspl::Device::AddStreamAsync | ( | std::shared_ptr< Stream > | stream | ) |
Add stream to device. Same as AddStreamAsync(Direction), but allows to construct stream manually.
std::shared_ptr< Stream > aspl::Device::AddStreamWithControlsAsync | ( | const StreamParameters & | params | ) |
Add stream + volume control + mute control. Same as AddStreamWithControlsAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters.
Add stream + volume control + mute control.
std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > aspl::Device::AddVolumeControlAsync | ( | AudioObjectPropertyScope | scope | ) |
Add volume control to device.
std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > aspl::Device::AddVolumeControlAsync | ( | const VolumeControlParameters & | params | ) |
Add volume control to device. Same as AddVolumeControlAsync(Direction), but allows to provide custom parameters.
void aspl::Device::AddVolumeControlAsync | ( | std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > | control | ) |
Add volume control to device. Same as AddVolumeControlAsync(Direction), but allows to construct control manually.
virtual |
Called before performing I/O operation. By default does nothing.
protectedvirtual |
Called before performing I/O operation. Invoked by BeginIOOperation().
virtual |
Perform an IO operation for a particular stream. In default implementation, invokes corresponding method of I/O handler based on passed operation type, for example OnReadInput() or OnWriteMixedOutput().
protectedvirtual |
Perform an IO operation for a particular stream. Invoked by DoIOOperation().
virtual |
Called after performing I/O operation. By default does nothing.
protectedvirtual |
Called after performing I/O operation. Invoked by EndIOOperation().
virtual |
Get list of supported nominal sample rates. By default returns the list set by SetAvailableSampleRatesAsync(). If nothing was set, returns a single-element list with a range which min and max are both set to the value returned by GetNominalSampleRate().
overridevirtual |
Get base class ID.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
virtual |
Check whether the device can be the default device for content. By default, returns the last value set by SetCanBeDefaultDevice(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::CanBeDefault.
virtual |
Check whether the device can be the default device for system sounds. By default, returns the last value set by SetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::CanBeDefaultForSystemSounds.
overridevirtual |
Get class ID.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
std::shared_ptr< Client > aspl::Device::GetClientByID | ( | UInt32 | clientID | ) | const |
Find client by client ID.
UInt32 aspl::Device::GetClientCount | ( | ) | const |
Get number of clients.
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Client > > aspl::Device::GetClients | ( | ) | const |
Get all clients.
virtual |
Get clock algorithm. By default returns DeviceParameters::ClockAlgorithm.
virtual |
Get clock domain. By default returns DeviceParameters::ClockDomain.
virtual |
Check whether the device clock should be considered stable. By default returns DeviceParameters::ClockIsStable.
virtual |
Get bundle ID of configuration application. The returned app should provides a GUI for configuring the device. By default returns DeviceParameters::ConfigurationApplicationBundleID.
property. ControlRequestHandler * aspl::Device::GetControlHandler | ( | ) | const |
Get pointer to configured control handler. Never returns null, if there is no handler, a no-op handler is used. For details about life-time, see SetControlHandler().
virtual |
Get device controls. Returns the list of owned controls. Scope defines whether to return input controls, output controls, or both. Default implementation returns all owned objects of given scope and kAudioControlClassID class and its derivatives, including volume and mute controls.
virtual |
Get device UID. Persistent token that can identify the same audio device across boot sessions. Two instances of the same device must have different values for this property. By default returns DeviceParameters::DeviceUID if it's non-empty, or otherwise generates random UID.
virtual |
Get firmware version. Human readable firmware version of the device. This is pure informational value which doesn't have to be unique. By default returns DeviceParameters::FirmwareVersion.
virtual |
Get device icon URL. Returns URL that points to the device icon, e.g in plugin resource bundle. By default returns DeviceParameters::IconURL.
property. IORequestHandler * aspl::Device::GetIOHandler | ( | ) | const |
Get pointer to configured I/O handler. Never returns null, if there is no handler, a no-op handler is used. For details about life-time, see SetIOHandler().
virtual |
Check whether the device is alive. By default returns the last value set by SetIsAlive(). Initial value is true.
virtual |
Check whether the device is hidden from clients. By default returns the last value set by SetIsHidden(). Initial value is false.
virtual |
Check whether device identification is in progress. A true value indicates that the device hardware is drawing attention to itself, typically by flashing or lighting up its front panel display. This makes it easy for a user to associate the physical hardware with its representation in an app. By default always returns false.
virtual |
Check whether the device is doing I/O. By default, returns true if I/O was activated using StartIO().
virtual |
Get presentation latency of the device. Measured in number of frames. By default returns the last value set by SetLatencyAsync(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::Latency.
virtual |
Get device manufacturer. Human readable name of the maker of the plug-in. Can be localized. By default returns DeviceParameters::Manufacturer.
virtual |
Get model UID. Persistent token that can identify audio devices of the same kind. Two instances of the same device must have the same value for this property. By default returns DeviceParameters::ModelUID.
property. std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > aspl::Device::GetMuteControlByID | ( | AudioObjectID | controlID | ) | const |
Get mute control with given object ID. Returns nullptr if there is no such control.
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > aspl::Device::GetMuteControlByIndex | ( | AudioObjectPropertyScope | scope, |
UInt32 | idx ) const |
Get mute control with given scope and zero-based index. Returns nullptr if there are less than idx+1 mute controls.
UInt32 aspl::Device::GetMuteControlCount | ( | AudioObjectPropertyScope | scope | ) | const |
Get number of mute controls for given scope.
virtual |
Get device name. Human readable name of the device. Can be localized. By default returns DeviceParameters::Name.
virtual |
Get nominal sample rate. By default returns the last value set by SetNominalSampleRateAsync(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::SampleRate. Note that each device stream can define its own sample rate in its physical and virtual formats.
virtual |
Get preferred number of channels.
GetPreferredChannelCount() and SetPreferredChannelCountAsync() are the most simple way to configure channels. Use them if all you need is to get/set number of channels.
If you need more precise configuration, see GetPreferredChannels() and GetPreferredChannelLayout(). If you don't, you can ignore them; their default implementation will use GetPreferredChannelCount().
Default implementation of this method automatically checks what channel parameters did you set (SetPreferredChannelCountAsync(), SetPreferredChannelsAsync(), SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync()), and returns number of channels based on that.
If nothing was set, it just returns DeviceParameters::ChannelCount.
property via GetPreferredChannels() / GetPreferredChannelLayout().
virtual |
Get preferred AudioChannelLayout to use for the device.
This is the most precise way to configure channels, by providing custom AudioChannelLayout. In most cases, it is enough to use GetPreferredChannelCount() or GetPreferredChannels() instead.
Default implementation of this method automatically checks if you have set channel layout using SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync(), and returns it.
If nothing was set, it constructs default channel layout based on the channels returned by GetPreferredChannels().
virtual |
Get preferred channels for device.
GetPreferredChannels() and SetPreferredChannelsAsync() are a more precise way to configure channels. Use them if all you want to specify parameters of individual channels, defined in AudioChannelDescription struct.
If all you need is just to change number of channels, see GetPreferredChannelCount() instead. And if you need even more precise configuration, see GetPreferredChannelLayout().
Default implementation of this method automatically checks what channel parameters did you set (SetPreferredChannelsAsync(), SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync()), and returns channel array based on that.
If nothing was set, it constructs channels with default parameters based on the number of channels returned by GetPreferredChannelCount().
property via GetPreferredChannelLayout().
virtual |
Return which two channels to use as left/right for stereo data by default. By default returns the last value set by SetPreferredChannelsForStereoAsync(). Initial value is {1, 2}. Channel numbers are 1-based.
overridevirtual |
Get property value.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
overridevirtual |
Get size of property value in bytes.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
virtual |
Get related devices. By default returns a single-element list with own ID.
virtual |
How close to now it is allowed to read and write. Measured in number of frames. By default returns the last value set by SetSafetyOffset(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::SafetyOffset.
virtual |
Get serial number. Human readable serial number of the device. This is pure informational value which doesn't have to be unique. By default returns DeviceParameters::SerialNumber.
property. std::shared_ptr< Stream > aspl::Device::GetStreamByID | ( | AudioObjectID | streamID | ) | const |
Get stream with given object ID. Returns nullptr if there is no such stream.
Get stream with given direction and zero-based index. Returns nullptr if there are less than idx+1 streams.
UInt32 aspl::Device::GetStreamCount | ( | Direction | dir | ) | const |
Get number of streams for given direction.
virtual |
Get device streams. Returns the list of owned streams. Scope defines whether to return input streams, output streams, or both. Default implementation returns all owned objects of given scope and kAudioStreamClassID class.
virtual |
Get device transport type. Represents how the device is attached to the system. Common values are defined in <CoreAudio/AudioHardwareBase.h>. Default is kAudioDeviceTransportTypeVirtual.
property. std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > aspl::Device::GetVolumeControlByID | ( | AudioObjectID | controlID | ) | const |
Get volume control with given object ID. Returns nullptr if there is no such control.
std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > aspl::Device::GetVolumeControlByIndex | ( | AudioObjectPropertyScope | scope, |
UInt32 | idx ) const |
Get volume control with given scope and zero-based index. Returns nullptr if there are less than idx+1 volume controls.
UInt32 aspl::Device::GetVolumeControlCount | ( | AudioObjectPropertyScope | scope | ) | const |
Get number of volume controls for given scope.
virtual |
Get the current zero time stamp for the device. In default implementation, the zero time stamp and host time are increased every GetZeroTimeStampPeriod() frames.
protectedvirtual |
Get the current zero timestamp for the device. Invoked by GetZeroTimeStamp().
virtual |
Difference between successive timestamps returned from GetZeroTimeStamp(). Measured in number of frames. By default returns the last value set by SetZeroTimeStampPeriodAsync(). Initial value is DeviceParameters::ZeroTimeStampPeriod if it's non-zero, or DeviceParameters::SampleRate otherwise.
overridevirtual |
Check whether given property is present.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
overridevirtual |
Check if this object is instance of given base class.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
overridevirtual |
Check whether given property can be changed.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
virtual |
Called by the Host to allow the device to perform a configuration change that had been previously requested via a call to the Host method, RequestDeviceConfigurationChange().
virtual |
Called after a client finishes I/O with the device. Updates client map and invokes OnRemoveClient().
void aspl::Device::RemoveMuteControlAsync | ( | std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > | control | ) |
Remove mute control from device.
void aspl::Device::RemoveStreamAsync | ( | std::shared_ptr< Stream > | stream | ) |
Remove stream from device.
void aspl::Device::RemoveVolumeControlAsync | ( | std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > | control | ) |
Remove volume control from device.
virtual |
Request HAL to perform configuration update.
virtual |
Request device to change its owner.
is always a pointer to Plugin, and shouldHaveOwnership
is true when adding device and false when removing. This method is expected to do all necessary housekeeping and invoke owner->AddOwnedObject(this) or owner->RemoveOwnedObject(this). OSStatus aspl::Device::SetAvailableSampleRatesAsync | ( | std::vector< AudioValueRange > | rates | ) |
Asynchronously set list of supported nominal sample rates. See comments for GetAvailableSampleRates(). Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetAvailableSampleRatesImpl().
protectedvirtual |
Set list of supported nominal sample rates. Invoked by SetAvailableSampleRatesAsync() to actually change the list. Default implementation just updates the list returned by GetAvailableSampleRates().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetCanBeDefaultDevice | ( | bool | value | ) |
Set whether the device can be the default device for content. Invokes SetCanBeDefaultDeviceImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged().
protectedvirtual |
Set whether the device can be the default device for content. By default just changes the value returned by GetCanBeDefaultDevice(). Invoked by SetCanBeDefaultDevice().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice | ( | bool | value | ) |
Set whether the device can be the default device for system sounds. Invokes SetCanBeDefaultSystemDeviceImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged().
protectedvirtual |
Set whether the device can be the default device for system sounds. By default just changes the value returned by GetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice(). Invoked by SetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice().
void aspl::Device::SetControlHandler | ( | ControlRequestHandler * | handler | ) |
Set handler for control requests (raw pointer overload). This overload uses raw pointer instead of shared_ptr, and the user is responsible for keeping handler object alive until it's reset or Device is destroyed.
void aspl::Device::SetControlHandler | ( | std::shared_ptr< ControlRequestHandler > | handler | ) |
Set handler for control requests. This is optional. You may provide a custom handler if you want to do custom processing or want to inject custom client implementation.
void aspl::Device::SetIOHandler | ( | IORequestHandler * | handler | ) |
Set handler for I/O requests (raw pointer overload). This overload uses raw pointer instead of shared_ptr, and the user is responsible for keeping handler object alive until it's reset or Device is destroyed.
void aspl::Device::SetIOHandler | ( | std::shared_ptr< IORequestHandler > | handler | ) |
Set handler for I/O requests. Its methods will be invoked when an I/O operation is performed. They are always invoked on realtime thread, serialized. You need to provide your own implementation if you want your device to actually do something useful. Default implementation is suitable for a null / black hole device.
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetIsAlive | ( | bool | isAlive | ) |
Mark device as alive or dead. Invokes SetIsAliveImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged().
protectedvirtual |
Mark device as alive or dead. By default just changes the value returned by GetIsAlive(). Invoked by SetIsAlive().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetIsHidden | ( | bool | isHidden | ) |
Mark or unmark device as hidden. Invokes SetIsHiddenImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged().
protectedvirtual |
Mark or unmark device as hidden. By default just changes the value returned by GetIsHidden(). Invoked by SetIsHidden().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetIsIdentifying | ( | bool | ) |
Start or stop device identification. Invokes SetIsIdentifyingImpl() and NotifyPropertyChanged().
protectedvirtual |
Start or stop device identification. This can be requested by UI, but probably makes little sense to virtual devices. By default always fails. Invoked by SetIsIdentifying().
property. OSStatus aspl::Device::SetLatencyAsync | ( | UInt32 | latency | ) |
Asynchronously set presentation latency. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetLatencyImpl().
protectedvirtual |
Set presentation latency. Invoked by SetLatencyAsync() to actually change latency. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetLatency().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetNominalSampleRateAsync | ( | Float64 | rate | ) |
Asynchronously set nominal sample rate. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetNominalSampleRateImpl(). Fails if rate is not present in GetAvailableSampleRates(), which by default returns only one rate, provided during initialization. If you want to make your device supporting multiple rates, you typically need to override both of these methods.
protectedvirtual |
Set nominal sample rate. Invoked by SetNominalSampleRateAsync() to actually change the rate. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetNominalSampleRate().
property. OSStatus aspl::Device::SetPreferredChannelCountAsync | ( | UInt32 | channelCount | ) |
Asynchronously set preferred channel count. See comments for GetPreferredChannelCount(). Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelCountImpl().
property via GetPreferredChannels() / GetPreferredChannelLayout().
protectedvirtual |
Set preferred channel count. Invoked by SetPreferredChannelCountAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation changes the value returned by GetPreferredChannelCount(). By default, it also affects values returned by GetPreferredChannels() and GetPreferredChannelLayout().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync | ( | std::vector< UInt8 > | channelLayout | ) |
Asynchronously set preferred channel layout. See comments for GetPreferredChannelLayout(). The provided buffer should contain properly formatted AudioChannelLayout struct. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelLayoutImpl().
protectedvirtual |
Invoked by SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation changes the value returned by GetPreferredChannelLayout(). By default, it also affects values returned by GetPreferredChannelCount() and GetPreferredChannels().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetPreferredChannelsAsync | ( | std::vector< AudioChannelDescription > | channels | ) |
Asynchronously set preferred channels array. See comments for GetPreferredChannels(). Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelsImpl().
property via GetPreferredChannelLayout(). OSStatus aspl::Device::SetPreferredChannelsForStereoAsync | ( | std::array< UInt32, 2 > | channels | ) |
Asynchronously set channels for stereo. Channel numbers are 1-based. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetPreferredChannelsForStereoImpl().
protectedvirtual |
Set channels for stereo. Invoked by SetPreferredChannelsForStereoAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation just changes the value returned GetPreferredChannelsForStereo().
protectedvirtual |
Invoked by SetPreferredChannelsAsync() to actually change the value. Default implementation changes the value returned by GetPreferredChannels(). By default, it also affects values returned by GetPreferredChannelCount() and GetPreferredChannelLayout().
overridevirtual |
Change property value.
Reimplemented from aspl::Object.
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetSafetyOffsetAsync | ( | UInt32 | offset | ) |
Asynchronously set safety offset. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetSafetyOffsetImpl().
protectedvirtual |
Set safety offset. Invoked by SetSafetyOffsetAsync() to actually change offset. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetSafetyOffset().
OSStatus aspl::Device::SetZeroTimeStampPeriodAsync | ( | UInt32 | period | ) |
Asynchronously set zero timestamp period. Requests HAL to asynchronously invoke SetZeroTimeStampPeriodImpl().
protectedvirtual |
Set zero timestamp period. Invoked by SetZeroTimeStampPeriodAsync() to actually change period. Default implementation just changes the value returned by GetZeroTimeStampPeriod().
virtual |
Tell the device to start I/O. Invokes ControlRequestHandler::OnStartIO() and updates GetIsRunning(). GetIsRunning() will return true until at least one client is doing I/O.
protectedvirtual |
Prepare device to start I/O. Invoked by StartIO().
virtual |
Tell the device to stop I/O. Invokes ControlRequestHandler::OnStopIO() and updates GetIsRunning(). GetIsRunning() will return true until at least one client is doing I/O.
protectedvirtual |
Prepare device to finish I/O. Invoked by StopIO().
virtual |
Asks device whether it want to perform the given phase of the IO cycle. In default implementation, makes decision based on whether the device has input and output streams, and what is returned by DeviceParameters::EnableMixing.
protectedvirtual |
Asks device whether it want to perform the given phase of the IO cycle. Invoked by WillDoIOOperation().