This is the complete list of members for aspl::Device, including all inherited members.
AbortConfigurationChange(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt64 changeAction, void *changeInfo) | aspl::Device | virtual |
AddClient(AudioObjectID objectID, const AudioServerPlugInClientInfo *rawClientInfo) | aspl::Device | virtual |
AddMuteControlAsync(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) | aspl::Device | |
AddMuteControlAsync(const MuteControlParameters ¶ms) | aspl::Device | |
AddMuteControlAsync(std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > control) | aspl::Device | |
AddOwnedObject(std::shared_ptr< Object > object, AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal) | aspl::Object | |
AddStreamAsync(Direction dir) | aspl::Device | |
AddStreamAsync(const StreamParameters ¶ms) | aspl::Device | |
AddStreamAsync(std::shared_ptr< Stream > stream) | aspl::Device | |
AddStreamWithControlsAsync(Direction dir) | aspl::Device | |
AddStreamWithControlsAsync(const StreamParameters ¶ms) | aspl::Device | |
AddVolumeControlAsync(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) | aspl::Device | |
AddVolumeControlAsync(const VolumeControlParameters ¶ms) | aspl::Device | |
AddVolumeControlAsync(std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > control) | aspl::Device | |
BeginIOOperation(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) | aspl::Device | virtual |
BeginIOOperationImpl(UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
Device(std::shared_ptr< const Context > context, const DeviceParameters ¶ms={}) | aspl::Device | explicit |
DoIOOperation(AudioObjectID objectID, AudioObjectID streamID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo, void *ioMainBuffer, void *ioSecondaryBuffer) | aspl::Device | virtual |
DoIOOperationImpl(AudioObjectID streamID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo, void *ioMainBuffer, void *ioSecondaryBuffer) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
EndIOOperation(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) | aspl::Device | virtual |
EndIOOperationImpl(UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, UInt32 ioBufferFrameSize, const AudioServerPlugInIOCycleInfo *ioCycleInfo) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
GetAvailableSampleRates() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetBaseClass() const override | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetCanBeDefaultDevice() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetClass() const override | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetClientByID(UInt32 clientID) const | aspl::Device | |
GetClientCount() const | aspl::Device | |
GetClients() const | aspl::Device | |
GetClockAlgorithm() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetClockDomain() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetClockIsStable() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetConfigurationApplicationBundleID() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetContext() const | aspl::Object | |
GetControlHandler() const | aspl::Device | |
GetControlIDs(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal) const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetCustomProperties() const | aspl::Object | virtual |
GetDeviceUID() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetFirmwareVersion() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetIconURL() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetID() const | aspl::Object | |
GetIOHandler() const | aspl::Device | |
GetIsAlive() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetIsHidden() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetIsIdentifying() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetIsRunning() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetLatency() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetManufacturer() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetModelUID() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetMuteControlByID(AudioObjectID controlID) const | aspl::Device | |
GetMuteControlByIndex(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope, UInt32 idx) const | aspl::Device | |
GetMuteControlCount(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) const | aspl::Device | |
GetName() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetNominalSampleRate() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetOwnedObjectIDs(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, AudioClassID classID=0) const | aspl::Object | |
GetOwnerID() const | aspl::Object | |
GetPreferredChannelCount() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetPreferredChannelLayout() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetPreferredChannels() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetPreferredChannelsForStereo() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetPropertyData(AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, UInt32 qualifierDataSize, const void *qualifierData, UInt32 inDataSize, UInt32 *outDataSize, void *outData) const override | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetPropertyDataSize(AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, UInt32 qualifierDataSize, const void *qualifierData, UInt32 *outDataSize) const override | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetRelatedDeviceIDs() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetSafetyOffset() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetSerialNumber() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetStreamByID(AudioObjectID streamID) const | aspl::Device | |
GetStreamByIndex(Direction dir, UInt32 idx) const | aspl::Device | |
GetStreamCount(Direction dir) const | aspl::Device | |
GetStreamIDs(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal) const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetterMethod typedef | aspl::Object | |
GetTransportType() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetVolumeControlByID(AudioObjectID controlID) const | aspl::Device | |
GetVolumeControlByIndex(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope, UInt32 idx) const | aspl::Device | |
GetVolumeControlCount(AudioObjectPropertyScope scope) const | aspl::Device | |
GetZeroTimeStamp(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, Float64 *outSampleTime, UInt64 *outHostTime, UInt64 *outSeed) | aspl::Device | virtual |
GetZeroTimeStampImpl(UInt32 clientID, Float64 *outSampleTime, UInt64 *outHostTime, UInt64 *outSeed) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
GetZeroTimeStampPeriod() const | aspl::Device | virtual |
HasOwner() const | aspl::Object | |
HasProperty(AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address) const override | aspl::Device | virtual |
IsInstance(AudioClassID classID) const override | aspl::Device | virtual |
IsPropertySettable(AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, Boolean *outIsSettable) const override | aspl::Device | virtual |
NotifyPropertiesChanged(std::vector< AudioObjectPropertySelector > selectors, AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, AudioObjectPropertyElement element=kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain) const | aspl::Object | |
NotifyPropertyChanged(AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, AudioObjectPropertyScope scope=kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, AudioObjectPropertyElement element=kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain) const | aspl::Object | inline |
Object(std::shared_ptr< const Context > context, const char *className="Object", AudioObjectID objectID=kAudioObjectUnknown) | aspl::Object | explicit |
Object(const Object &)=delete (defined in aspl::Object) | aspl::Object | |
operator=(const Object &)=delete (defined in aspl::Object) | aspl::Object | |
PerformConfigurationChange(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt64 changeAction, void *changeInfo) | aspl::Device | virtual |
RegisterCustomProperty(AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, ObjectType &object, GetterMethod< ObjectType, ValueType > getter, SetterMethod< ObjectType, ValueType > setter=nullptr) | aspl::Object | inline |
RegisterCustomProperty(AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, GetterFunc getter) | aspl::Object | inline |
RegisterCustomProperty(AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, std::function< CFStringRef()> getter, std::function< void(CFStringRef)> setter) | aspl::Object | |
RegisterCustomProperty(AudioObjectPropertySelector selector, std::function< CFPropertyListRef()> getter, std::function< void(CFPropertyListRef)> setter) | aspl::Object | |
RemoveClient(AudioObjectID objectID, const AudioServerPlugInClientInfo *rawClientInfo) | aspl::Device | virtual |
RemoveMuteControlAsync(std::shared_ptr< MuteControl > control) | aspl::Device | |
RemoveOwnedObject(AudioObjectID objectID) | aspl::Object | |
RemoveStreamAsync(std::shared_ptr< Stream > stream) | aspl::Device | |
RemoveVolumeControlAsync(std::shared_ptr< VolumeControl > control) | aspl::Device | |
RequestConfigurationChange(std::function< void()> func={}) | aspl::Device | virtual |
RequestOwnershipChange(Object *owner, bool shouldHaveOwnership) | aspl::Device | virtual |
SetAvailableSampleRatesAsync(std::vector< AudioValueRange > rates) | aspl::Device | |
SetAvailableSampleRatesImpl(std::vector< AudioValueRange > rates) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetCanBeDefaultDevice(bool value) | aspl::Device | |
SetCanBeDefaultDeviceImpl(bool value) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetCanBeDefaultSystemDevice(bool value) | aspl::Device | |
SetCanBeDefaultSystemDeviceImpl(bool value) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetControlHandler(std::shared_ptr< ControlRequestHandler > handler) | aspl::Device | |
SetControlHandler(ControlRequestHandler *handler) | aspl::Device | |
SetIOHandler(std::shared_ptr< IORequestHandler > handler) | aspl::Device | |
SetIOHandler(IORequestHandler *handler) | aspl::Device | |
SetIsAlive(bool isAlive) | aspl::Device | |
SetIsAliveImpl(bool isAlive) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetIsHidden(bool isHidden) | aspl::Device | |
SetIsHiddenImpl(bool isHidden) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetIsIdentifying(bool) | aspl::Device | |
SetIsIdentifyingImpl(bool isIdentifying) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetLatencyAsync(UInt32 latency) | aspl::Device | |
SetLatencyImpl(UInt32 latency) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetNominalSampleRateAsync(Float64 rate) | aspl::Device | |
SetNominalSampleRateImpl(Float64 rate) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetPreferredChannelCountAsync(UInt32 channelCount) | aspl::Device | |
SetPreferredChannelCountImpl(UInt32 channelCount) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetPreferredChannelLayoutAsync(std::vector< UInt8 > channelLayout) | aspl::Device | |
SetPreferredChannelLayoutImpl(std::vector< UInt8 > channelLayout) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetPreferredChannelsAsync(std::vector< AudioChannelDescription > channels) | aspl::Device | |
SetPreferredChannelsForStereoAsync(std::array< UInt32, 2 > channels) | aspl::Device | |
SetPreferredChannelsForStereoImpl(std::array< UInt32, 2 > channels) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetPreferredChannelsImpl(std::vector< AudioChannelDescription > channels) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetPropertyData(AudioObjectID objectID, pid_t clientPID, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *address, UInt32 qualifierDataSize, const void *qualifierData, UInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) override | aspl::Device | virtual |
SetSafetyOffsetAsync(UInt32 offset) | aspl::Device | |
SetSafetyOffsetImpl(UInt32 offset) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
SetterMethod typedef | aspl::Object | |
SetZeroTimeStampPeriodAsync(UInt32 period) | aspl::Device | |
SetZeroTimeStampPeriodImpl(UInt32 period) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
StartIO(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID) | aspl::Device | virtual |
StartIOImpl(UInt32 clientID, UInt32 startCount) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
StopIO(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID) | aspl::Device | virtual |
StopIOImpl(UInt32 clientID, UInt32 startCount) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
WillDoIOOperation(AudioObjectID objectID, UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, Boolean *outWillDo, Boolean *outWillDoInPlace) | aspl::Device | virtual |
WillDoIOOperationImpl(UInt32 clientID, UInt32 operationID, Boolean *outWillDo, Boolean *outWillDoInPlace) | aspl::Device | protectedvirtual |
~Object() (defined in aspl::Object) | aspl::Object | virtual |