Roc Toolkit 0.4 + updated tutorial for live audio streaming

Table of contents What’s in this release Migration from 0.3 Linux (PipeWire modules) Linux (PulseAudio modules) Linux (bare ALSA) Cross-compile to Raspberry Pi (PulseAudio modules) Cross-compile to Raspberry Pi (bare ALSA) macOS (virtual device) macOS (CLI tools) Android app Troubleshooting What’s in this release Roc …

Roc Toolkit 0.3 is out!

What’s new Roc Toolkit implements real-time streaming over unreliable networks like Internet and Wi-Fi. It works on Linux and macOS and provides C library, CLI tools, modules for PulseAudio and PipeWire, and Android app. The 0.3 release was focused on: reducing minimum allowed latency running in CPU-constrained …

Two C++17 projects are looking for contributors

Signal Estimator project issues This one implements a tool (both CLI and GUI) for measuring audio latency and glitches. The idea behind the tool is simple: you have an audio loopback that connects audio output to audio input; the tool writes impulses to the output, waits until the same impulses are received from the input, and …

Updated tutorial for Roc 0.2

Table of contents What’s new? Linux desktop (PulseAudio) Linux desktop (PipeWire) Raspberry Pi (ALSA) Raspberry Pi (PulseAudio) macOS Android Troubleshooting UPDATE You can find tutorial updated for 0.4.x release series in this article. What’s new? This article is an updated version of previous tutorial. An overview …

Roc Toolkit 0.2 released

(Roc Droid logo) What is Roc? Roc is a toolkit for real-time streaming over unreliable networks. It works with desktop and embedded Linux, ALSA, PulseAudio, PipeWire, macOS, and Android. For a quick intro, see project repo and two previous articles: 1, 2. Summary Full changelog is available here. The main focus of this release …

A step-by-step tutorial for live audio streaming with Roc

Table of contents What is Roc? What’s new? Ubuntu desktop Raspberry Pi (ALSA) Raspberry Pi (PulseAudio) macOS Android / Termux UPDATE You can find tutorial updated for 0.4.x release series in this article. What is Roc? Roc is an open-source toolkit for real-time audio streaming over the network. You can learn about the …

Roc 0.1 released: real-time streaming over the network

What is Roc? I’m happy to announce the first release of Roc Toolkit, version 0.1.0! Roc provides a C API for real-time audio transport. The user just writes a stream to the one end and reads it from another end. Roc, in turn, performs encoding and decoding, and, more importantly, deals with the problems related to the …

Working on a new network transport for PulseAudio and ALSA

Intro Last few years I was working on Roc Toolkit, an open-source solution for real-time media streaming over the network. Due to lack of free time, we postponed release several times, but now it’s almost ready. This article is, inter alia, some kind of a pre-release announcement. You can read more about the project here. …