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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CClientDevice client
 CClientInfoInformation about client
 CContextCommon object context. Shared between objects which belong to the same driver
 CControlRequestHandlerHandler for control requests to device
 CDeviceAudio device object
 CDeviceParametersAudio device parameters
 CDispatcherObject dispatcher
 CDoubleBufferDoubly-buffered value with non-blocking read and blocking write
 CReadLockRead lock
 CDriverPlugin driver
 CDriverRequestHandlerHandler for HAL requests to driver
 CIORequestHandlerHandler for I/O requests to device
 CMuteControlMute control object
 CMuteControlParametersMute control parameters
 CObjectBase class for audio objects
 CPluginPlugin object
 CPluginParametersAudio plugin parameters
 CStoragePlugin persistent storage
 CStreamAudio stream object
 CStreamParametersAudio stream parameters
 CTracerOperation tracer
 CFlagsOperation flags
 COperationOperation info
 CVolumeControlVolume control object
 CVolumeControlParametersVolume control parameters